Yield Calculator Can Maximize Money

Yield Calculator Can Maximize MoneyYield Calculator Can Maximize Money

The cost of food ingredients seems to rise every year, and nowhere is that more evident than in protein. Meat and eggs have seen the largest increase, but dollar differences are clear across the board. The best way to ensure you are making the most of every dime is to avoid food waste at all costs. Equipment using cook-and-hold technology pairs well with the Alto-Shaam yield calculator to keep close tabs on number of servings compared with cost of ingredients.


The Alto-Shaam yield calculator has three fields: protein type, weight per day, and price per pound. When users enter three choices into the calculator, potential costs can be revealed. The tool offers a lot of flexibility because the protein list includes 13 different options from beef to fish and turkey. The weight per day and price per pound fields can be used in either pounds or kilograms, making the calculator ideal for use all over the globe.

Cost Savings

Restaurants, government institutions, and other facilities that feed large numbers of people on a daily basis appreciate how every nickel lost on an ingredient is multiplied exponentially to add up to a significant cost. By tracking exactly how much a single serving of beef, for example, costs on a daily basis, menus and plans can be adjusted to minimize over-ordering. Even under-ordering can be expensive if additional ingredients are needed at the last minute at a higher price.

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Less Waste

No one wants to see valuable food go to waste, and the Alto-Shaam yield calculator is a valuable tool in ensuring as much of each ingredient is used as possible. Again, the elimination of over-ordering helps, but the yield tool also takes into account food shrinkage after cooking and its effect on the number of servings.

If squeezing every penny and calorie out of the proteins you buy is important to your business, the Alto-Shaam yield calculator can be the best tool in your kitchen.