The New Natural Food Necessity: MUD\WTR

Yes, it’s called MUD\WTR. No, it does not taste like mud. Just ask your own customers.

When adaptogenic mushrooms burst onto the scene in the modern Western health movement, MUD\WTR was one of the first ones out the gate. Founded in 2018 by artist and designer Shane Heath, the drink was just supposed to be Shane’s answer to his own challenging relationship with caffeine – a way to combat the jitters and poor sleep that coffee often caused. But as he started bringing it to work, the drink, which tastes like masala chai and cacao had a baby, spread. Quickly. Soon, Shane found himself the head of a multi-million dollar business.

Now, MUD\WTR is taking its next big leap: offline.

Winter Ridge, a natural foods store in the mountain town of Sandpoint, ID, was one of its earliest adopters, and the bet has paid off. “We brought MUD\WTR in in 2021 because it was unlike anything on our shelves,” says Sheridan Grace, a rep from Winter Ridge, “and our customers were eager for access. It’s absolutely exceeded our expectations in sales and customer loyalty.” As the online company evolves into an on-the-shelf company, Grace says customers come in the door knowing the brand, but like having the chance to pick it up and see it before they buy. Winter Ridge offers them that chance. “Consumer demand is a huge factor in what stays on our shelves, and our consumer chooses MUD\WTR,” concludes Grace.

What’s special about MUD\WTR is more than just flavor – it’s the premium adaptogenic mushrooms it employs. According to the latest SPINS data, tea & coffee options with functional mushrooms are growing 35x faster than other tea & coffee options in the natural channel. And MUD\WTR is at the top of the category, both in brand recognition and quality. MUD\WTR has been featured in publications like The Wall Street Journal, Rolling Stone, BBC, Forbes, and recently made its TV debut on Good Morning, LA. And with 2,240 mg of US grown, organic mushrooms, MUD\WTR has more mushrooms per serving than any other offering on the market. That’s why consumers are looking for it on shelves. Winter Ridge is known by its customers for curating products with high quality, healthy ingredients that are held to strict standards. MUD\WTR’s similar commitment to premium, quality ingredients made it attractive to the Idaho grocer. “It’s a superior product, and that makes it an easy choice,” says Grace.

CALLOUT: “MUD\WTR stands behind their product with confidence, and that shows in customer loyalty and sales. It’s a superior product, and that makes it an easy choice.” – Sheridan Grace, Winter Ridge.

When Winter Ridge started carrying MUD\WTR 3.5 years ago, they only carried single serving-sachets of the Original flavor. Since then, they’ve expanded to carry all four blends – Original, Matcha, Turmeric, and Rest – in the signature 30-serving tins, designed by Shane himself. Winter Ridge also carries Original and Matcha in 12-serving pouches, which they say is more approachable for new customers. But they aren’t stopping there. They’re currently working on a new offering: expanding it to their deli.

“[MUD\WTR] is incredibly generous in supporting their presence in stores,” according to Winter Ridge. “They’re committed to fostering a successful partnership between brand and retailers. Our demographic is drawn to high quality products, and across the board they ultimately decide what stays on our shelves.” That’s why MUD\WTR continues to be the right choice for them.

Rise to the occasion. Get MUD\WTR on your shelves now by going to to get started!

CALLOUT: “As a customer of MUD\WTR, it’s so easy to interact with and order from the company. There’s the element of human connection in the ease of communication.” – Winter Ridge