PATH is Redefining Bottled Water with Every Refill

By: Shadi Bakour, CEO of PATH 

The environmental toll single-use plastic is having on the world is staggering. According to the Public Interest Research Group, Americans discard 7 pounds of materials per person every day, with 30% of this waste comprising single-use products and packaging. The crisis has resulted in single-use plastic bans worldwide, including at airports like SFO and LAX, Universities, Grocery Stores, and entire school districts. Over 100 sports organizations have recently called for major beverage brands to increase their reusable options. The U.S. federal government has also recently announced a goal to phase out all federal government purchases of single-use plastic.

PATH is a trailblazing brand that offers the only certified refillable aluminum bottled water on the market. With a mission deeply rooted in environmental change, PATH is reducing single-use plastic by transforming how the world thinks about and consumes bottled water, providing a truly sustainable option focusing on reuse.

The shift to reusable packaging is essential for achieving substantial environmental gains, as advocated by experts like Olga Kachook of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition. 

PATH emerged from the growing concern over the environmental impact of single-use plastic bottled water. As three friends stood in a store aisle and saw a sea of plastic bottled water options, the company’s core belief emerged that day – that reusable packaging, especially made from materials like aluminum, offers a more powerful alternative to traditional single-use options.

PATH differentiates itself through its innovative hybrid use of aluminum, a material that can be reused and recycled countless times. This choice aligns with the broader environmental movement towards reducing waste and promoting reuse over single-use. 

PATH’s impact is significantly amplified through strategic partnerships and cobrands with organizations like 1 Hotels, Bank of America, BMW, Four Seasons, and the National Park Service. By collaborating with major organizations, PATH actively helps them adopt reuse initiatives, extend their sustainability efforts, and improve ESG metrics. These partnerships enable PATH to expand its reach and influence, driving a collective effort to reduce single-use plastic waste. 

PATH has been recognized with the esteemed SEAL Award for five consecutive years, highlighting its measurable impact on reducing plastic waste. In addition, PATH has received accolades from Real Leaders, Inc. 5000, and Regional Inc. 5000, showcasing its commitment to environmental stewardship. This dedication extends to its partnerships with leading organizations with a vision of environmental responsibility.

PATH is available nationwide in major retail stores, corporate offices, and events. You can pick up a PATH online or on the go at stores like Target, Walmart, Sprouts, Wegman’s, 7-Eleven, and Whole Foods. PATH covers the bottled water market with options like still, alkaline, sparkling, and flavored sparkling water, all in sleek bottles designed to be durable, stylish, practical, and refillable bottles, encouraging consumers to make a lasting commitment to sustainability.

One study found that 56% of people surveyed think it’s important for brands to offer reusable products and packaging. The consumer trend is toward more genuinely environmentally responsible choices. 

Reusable PATH bottles play a critical role in reducing waste and conserving resources. Consumers can significantly lower their environmental footprint with every refill by skipping the single-use and opting for reusable aluminum bottles. This shift is supported by the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” hierarchy, which emphasizes the importance of reducing consumption and reusing products before recycling.