Inline Plastics Adds Flat Lid Collection to Safe-T-Fresh® Line

By Ryan Slattery

For over 55 years, Inline Plastics has continuously adapted to shifting consumer demands, market dynamics, and technological advancements.

“Inline Plastics has been at the forefront of innovation, constantly refining its product offerings to meet the changing needs of consumers and foodservice providers,” says Senior Brand Manager Carrie Cline. “This commitment to innovation is exemplified by the introduction of pioneering packaging designs, materials, and features aimed at enhancing convenience, freshness, and sustainability.”

A pioneer in the industry, the company in recent years unveiled Safe-T-Chef®, the inaugural polypropylene packaging line that—true to its name—places a premium on food safety and security with its patented tamper protection. Inline Plastics has also made significant strides in sustainability, proving its claims that it adheres to strict environmental standards through independent third-party certification.

Inline’s innovative collection of all-clear packaging is tailored for hot food applications, ensuring the safeguarding and integrity of food from grocery or kitchen to table. The tamper protection feature is ideal for restaurants and cafes who use third party delivery services ensuring food reaches the consumer fully intact and uncompromised during transit.

Beyond its cutting-edge security measures, Safe-T-Chef® is characterized by its contemporary design. The packaging’s smooth, rounded scoopable corners facilitate easy access to every bite, while its sleek and attractive shape elevates the overall presentation of the food. With its high-clarity polypropylene material offering a 360-degree view of the contents.

Inline Plastics Safe-T-Chef® line caters to the diverse needs of consumers. Microwaveable safe with both vented and non-vented options, each featuring a leak-resistant seal to ensure sauces and liquids remain in place, the containers also come with both domed top and flat lid options.

The vented containers allow steam to dissipate, keeping food at peak freshness so it doesn’t get soggy while packaged. Consumers consistently stress the importance of visibility and excess steam can lead to a foggy layer obstructing the view of what’s inside. Inline’s vented Safe-T-Chef® packaging incorporates an anti-fog feature making food visually more appealing and appetizing.

The Safe-T-Chef® line is great for Grab n Go concepts and perfect for delis, convenience stores, and cafeterias. “Safe-T-Chef harmonizes safety, functionality, and aesthetics, positioning itself as the premier choice for discerning foodservice establishments and delivery services,” says Cline.

“Remember, Safe-T-Chef® isn’t just about packaging—it’s about enhancing the overall experience while minimizing environmental impact.”

While domed lid products with a raised, rounded shape allows for extra space for taller food items or ones with decorative elements, offering generous room for showcasing a diverse array of foods ensuring their visual appeal remains uncompromised, while flat lid packaging is advantageous for space-saving purposes and items that can be shelved and stacked, explains Cline.

“Flat lids offer efficiency in stacking particularly in scenarios where space optimization is paramount, such as densely packed shelves, refrigerators, or transportation vehicles,” says Cline. “The introduction of the Safe-T-Chef® flat lid option provides versatile solutions for food presentation. This innovative offering not only meets the demands of the market but also reinforces the brand’s commitment to delivering reliable and forward-thinking products to its valued customers.”

For more information on their vast line of award-winning products, visit