Food & Beverage Magazine sat down with the Eddie Rivkin. CEO & Executive Director of The Global Spirit Awards to get all the info on this year’s inaugural competition.
F&B: How did the Global Spirit Awards concept come about?
Eddie: I was walking thru WSWA in April of 2016 at Caesars Palace here in Las Vegas. I spoke to many very interesting emerging brands about their Nevada distribution and availability. Each one said they were NOT available in Nevada and that they were here in Vegas at WSWA looking for distribution. That is when the light went off in my head. After the second day, I sat down with the publisher of Food & Beverage, Michael Politz, ran my thoughts by him, and he said, “I want to be the presenting sponsor, let’s do it.”
F&B: Seems easy enough?
Eddie: (Laughing) Not nearly as easy believe me. We got over the biggest hump quickly when we found that despite Las Vegas is arguably the center of the alcohol (sales) universe, there had NEVER been a Spirits competition here. From there we went through all the typical issues that start-ups go through. But all of the hard work paid off. I think we have created a unique competition, in certainly the unique cities, Las Vegas.
F&B: So, a year in the making, where are you with the competition today?
Eddie: We are up and running at full speed. Our website www.GlobalSpiritAwards.com was launched in March and we are very proud of it. Entries are coming in from around the world. We have put together a world class panel of judges that are true experts in the Spirits Industry. Everything is right on track for an incredible competition August 16th -18th.
F&B: How much is it to enter to The Global Spirit Awards?
Eddie: The entry is $400 for each Spirit. There is also a Mixer category which the entry fee is $275 each, and a Ready to Drink (RTD) category where each entry is $250. Those prices are good until July 23rd. There is a late entry period until August 7th where entries are $425/$300/$275. The absolute deadline for entries is August 7th.
F&B: What are some reasons a Spirit should enter the Global Spirit awards?
Eddie: Great question, I’ll give you the cliff notes version. First, the judge’s panel. Our judges are true experts in the Spirits Industry with around 175 years total and over 100 competitions judged. A medal from our panel will be very prestigious. The other key function of a competition is how it helps the brands themselves. Our post competition publicity package will be second to none, assuring all medal winners extensive worldwide publicity. That publicity can lead to increased sales and possibly even distribution opportunities for emerging brands and expansion for brands looking grow nationwide. As for the other things that make The Global Spirit Awards unique and a great benefit for Spirit Brands, you’ll have to our website. Sorry for the shameless plug!
F&B: Is there anything else you’d like to add before we wrap this up?
Eddie: I think we have pretty much-covered everything. If anyone would like more information or has specific questions about the competition, I personally answer all emails. I can be reached at Eddie@LVGWSA.com Other than that, visit the site, click the ENTRIES tabs located throughout the site and sign up! We are looking forward to having 100’s of Spirits form around the world in the competition and giving out a bunch of medals to the best of them! Oh, I almost forget.
Keep your eyes open for the Global Wine Awards. The announcement is coming very soon!