9 Mistakes When Cooking Rice That You Might Be Making

Cooking rice is a task that seems simple because, in theory, it involves putting it in water, covering it, and waiting for it to cook over heat. However, in practice, many people make mistakes that affect the flavor and texture of the final dish.

If your rice isn’t good, or you know it could be better, it’s ideal to get more information that allows you to achieve both a good taste and texture.

The good thing about learning to cook perfect rice, or at least close to perfection, is that with any recipe that involves its use, such as this one: https://mahatmarice.com/recipes/tacu-tacu/, you will already have a strong base for a great result.

Not washing the rice before cooking

One of the most common mistakes, especially among novices, is not washing the rice before cooking it. Even if the brand claims to be the cleanest rice, you should not skip this essential step. Raw rice contains starch on its surface, making it sticky when cooked.

Washing it several times under cold water until the water runs clear helps remove the excess starch and improves the rice’s texture.

Now, let’s clarify that this washing is done only with water, as there have been cases where some people use soap, ruining the food.

Not letting the rice rest after cooking

Resting is crucial for the rice to finish cooking properly and absorb the residual moisture. Letting the rice rest covered for about 10 minutes after turning off the heat allows it to settle and obtain a fluffier and more uniform texture.

Cooking the rice on high heat all the time

Cooking rice on high heat will unfortunately cause the water to evaporate too quickly, leaving the rice raw in the center. It is important to start cooking on high heat to bring the water to a boil and then reduce the heat to low so that the rice cooks slowly and evenly.

Some people forget to lower the flame, which is why the food burns or turns off without being completely cooked.

Not using a tight-fitting lid

Using a lid that does not fit well can allow steam to escape, affecting the cooking of the rice. A tight-fitting lid helps keep the steam and moisture inside the pot, ensuring even cooking.

If you don’t have a suitable pot for this case, it’s time to make a small investment because it will be worth it.

Stirring the rice while cooking

Stirring the rice while cooking is another action you will regret, as doing so can break the grains and release more starch, resulting in sticky rice.

At the beginning, it’s okay to stir it a bit, but then it’s better to leave the rice alone while it cooks so it maintains its shape and texture and is visually appealing when served.

Forgetting to season the water

Adding salt to the water before cooking the rice is essential to give it flavor. Those who forget this step will end up cooking bland rice.

You can also experiment with other seasonings and herbs to give the rice an extra flavor, especially when you want to vary the food a bit.

Using any type of rice

Each type of rice has different characteristics that make it more suitable for certain dishes. For example, long-grain rice is ideal for dishes like pilaf, while short-grain rice is better for sushi or risotto.

Using the wrong type of rice will affect the texture and flavor of the dish, another mistake better not made.

Cooking without measuring the rice and water correctly

Measuring the rice and water precisely is crucial for good results, although sometimes, by not doing so, you get the opposite.

Many people simply pour the rice and water into the pot without measuring, which can lead to an incorrect ratio and therefore poorly cooked rice.

A measure that will serve you well and is easy to memorize is that for every cup of rice, you need to use two cups of water.

Not toasting the rice before adding water

In some recipes, like the Spanish rice recipe, toasting the rice before adding water or broth can enhance the flavor and give it a more interesting texture. This step is often omitted but makes a big difference in the final dish.

If you were making one or more of these common mistakes, knowing them will help you avoid them to cook perfect rice every time, achieving optimal texture and flavor that will complement any dish.

Experiment and adjust your techniques to find what works best for you and enjoy delicious, well-prepared rice.